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A Morning at the Movies

A Family Concert for All Ages 2-102!

Popcorn Notes Art new mask


How many times have you found yourself humming the theme to a movie? Maybe one from something you saw recently, or maybe one that was a childhood favorite?  You are not alone, everyone does it! Cape Community Orchestra will share fan favorites with you at our A Morning at the Movies Family Concert on March 8th, at 10:30 am at Dennis-Regional High School Auditorium, 210 Station Ave., S. Yarmouth.

Designed for elementary and middle school students, this concert features music from Aladdin to Wicked, with some Star Wars, too.  The audience will be introduced to the instruments of the orchestra, the difference between a band and an orchestra, and how music helps further the plot of a movie. More information can be found on our website

The Cape Community Orchestra’s mission is to bring free orchestral music to our Cape community.  This includes a yearly concert programmed specifically for families and children as well as 2 concerts each spring and fall. Through these family concerts, we hope to educate and enrich the lives of school age children by providing access to a live performance. Children and their responsible adults have the opportunity to experience the sights and sounds of music that are best appreciated in person in a concert setting.

We sincerely hope that our audiences, both young, old, and in-between can take away from the concerts the joy and satisfaction that we musicians experience in our performances. And, just maybe, encourage someone to learn an instrument and join us in making music.          

Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10:30 AM 

Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School, 210 Station Ave., South Yarmouth, MA

Give Me Five!

Saturday, May 3rd, 3:00 PM
Monomoy Regional High School
75 Oak St, Harwich, MA

Sunday, May 4th, 3:00 PM
Dennis-Yarmouth Intermediate School
286 Station Ave, So. Yarmouth, MA