FALL 2024

You are in a restaurant with music playing in the background and wondering why it sounds familiar?  You are shopping and think, I know that music, but why?  You are watching a movie or TV show and you recognize the music in the background but can’t place it.  You remember an old Loony Toons cartoon that had some really fantastic music to help tell the story.

If these scenarios ring a bell, then you are in for a treat.  Come to the Cape Community Orchestra’s Fall concert – Sounds Familiar: Music You’ve Heard Before, But Where?  We will be performing some of those songs that you recognize but didn’t know were written in some cases over a century ago by Rossini, Puccini, Tchaikovsky and others. 

This concert will feature the William Tell Overture, by Giacomo Rossini, Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by Peter Tchaikovsky, George Bizet’s Habanera, a sing-along of Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus (bring your score, or share one of ours!), and much more.  How many pieces can you recognize?


Saturday, November 23rd, 3:00 PM
Monomoy Regional High School
75 Oak St, Harwich, MA

Sunday, November 24th, 3:00 PM
Yarmouth Senior Center
528 Forest Rd, West Yarmouth, MA